
Steril­i­ty is para­mount. We use only ster­ile, sin­gle-use nee­dles, ink caps, and gloves. Our artists main­tain the high­est hygiene stan­dards.


We pro­vide the safest and best results by using EU-approved inks and cer­ti­fied, pro­fes­sion­al tat­too equip­ment from Ger­many and the USA.

Privat Atmosphere

Your tat­too may be done in a dis­creet and cozy envi­ron­ment at our stu­dio. We only set up appoint­ments, which insures a calm envi­ron­ment free from inter­rup­tions. Through­out your time with us, your pri­va­cy and com­fort are our main con­cerns.

Tattoo Designs

Look through our online col­lec­tion of pre-made tat­too designs, or work with our artists to get an unique, cus­tomized design made espe­cial­ly for you.

Individual Approach

We cus­tomize our ser­vices to each clien­t’s spe­cif­ic needs and pref­er­ences, mak­ing sure a friend­ly and per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence for all projects, large and small.


We’re pas­sion­ate about our art and com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing excep­tion­al results. We con­stant­ly seek to improve and deliv­er the best pos­si­ble tat­too expe­ri­ence for every client.

  • 4 months ago
    Clean bright space and an amaz­ing artist! He made book­ing super easy and gave us a beau­ti­ful mem­o­ry of Madeira to keep for­ev­er. Next time we are in Fun­chal we will def­i­nite­ly be going back to get…
  • 6 months ago
    I just got a tat­too from Gold­bek Tat­toos, and it was an awe­some expe­ri­ence. Kir­ill was super friend­ly and real­ly lis­tened to what I want­ed. He gave great advice to make my design even bet­ter and…
  • 9 months ago
    My vis­it to “Gold­bek Tat­too Artist” stu­dio turned out to be an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence! From the moment I stepped inside, I was greet­ed with a warm and wel­com­ing atmos­phere cre­at­ed by true…
  • 4 months ago
    Got this beau­ty few days ago. Kir­ill is a real pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced tat­too artist. The stu­dio is nice and neat, great atten­tion pays to the hygiene. I am real­ly pleased and plan­ning to vis­it…
  • 7 months ago
    My first tat­too expe­ri­ence at Madeira Tat­too — Gold­bek Tat­too was absolute­ly amaz­ing. From the moment I walked in, the warm and pro­fes­sion­al staff made me feel com­fort­able and at ease. The stu­dio’s…


Get­ting your tat­too should be easy and enjoy­able! We’ve stream­lined our book­ing process so you can focus on your amaz­ing new ink.
Our sim­ple guide­lines make sched­ul­ing a breeze – check them out before you book.​



We spe­cial­ize in del­i­cate, tiny tat­toos up to 6cm, in black or col­or. Browse our cat­a­log of pre-designed tiny tat­toos for inspi­ra­tion!

Fineline TATTOOS

Our pas­sion is cre­at­ing stun­ning fine line tat­toos, from tiny, del­i­cate designs to large-scale mas­ter­pieces.


Get a tru­ly unique, per­son­al­ized tat­too designed just for you. Stand out from the crowd with a one-of-a-kind design!

Piercing Service

We offer pro­fes­sion­al pierc­ing ser­vices using ster­ile, sin­gle-use equip­ment. Each pierc­ing includes a high-qual­i­ty sur­gi­cal steel ear­ring.

Are you ready to schedule a spot?

Press the but­ton and fill up the form. I’ll con­tact you as soon as pos­si­ble


Have ques­tions about our ser­vices or book­ing process? Check out our FAQs for quick answers to com­mon ques­tions!

I would like to get a tattoo, how do I start?

Before hav­ing a tat­too, you need first choose a design. You can find inspi­ra­tion on Google, Pin­ter­est, and Insta­gram by brows­ing the port­fo­lios of tat­too artists whose styles you admire. You might already have pho­tographs of objects, favorite things, or con­cepts you’d like to incor­po­rate into your tat­too. Per­haps you’re a trav­el­er who wish­es to remem­ber a jour­ney with a design or emblem from the place you vis­it­ed, rather than a tra­di­tion­al sou­venir.

Can I contact you for a consultation?

Yes, of course. You can reach us by Insta­gram, email, or What­sApp. Send us an inquiry to request a con­sul­ta­tion. We pro­vide online con­sul­ta­tions or, if avail­abil­i­ty allows, invite you to the stu­dio for a per­son­al meet­ing.

How do I choose tattoo designs?

To decide on a design and style for your tat­too, look up dif­fer­ent tat­too styles and designs online. You may addi­tion­al­ly look at the “Tat­too Designs” sec­tion of our web­site for pre-designed options pro­vid­ed by our artists. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can email us with your ideas and pref­er­ences, and we will pro­vide sug­ges­tions.

What is the price of a tattoo?

At our tat­too par­lor, the start­ing price for a tat­too is 100 euros. You can have a lit­tle, del­i­cate tat­too up to 6 cm high in black ink for this fee. On our web­site, you can select pre-made lit­tle tat­toos or send us your own. Our spe­cial­ty is cre­at­ing del­i­cate, love­ly fine­line tat­toos, and the cost typ­i­cal­ly starts at 150 euros and goes up based on the design’s intri­ca­cy, where it is placed on your body, and the amount of detail need­ed. Fur­ther­more, we spe­cialise in indi­vid­ual unique tat­toos in patch­work, flo­ral, and micro­re­al­is­tic styles. Black and col­or ink cus­tom tat­toos start at 300 euros.After con­firm­ing the design, place­ment, and expect­ed to time frame dur­ing a con­sul­ta­tion, our artist will deter­mine the pre­cise cost of your tat­too. The artist will pro­vide a price quote and a time­line for com­ple­tion dur­ing this con­ver­sa­tion. We aim to pro­vide you with an excel­lent tat­too that pre­cise­ly cap­tures your style.

How can I schedule a tattoo session at your studio?

Before plan­ning an appoint­ment, please review our book­ing rules on our web­site’s page. To sched­ule an appoint­ment, con­tact us by Insta­gram, email, or What­sApp. We also have a “Book Now” but­ton on our web­site. Click it, com­plete the form, and we will get back to you as soon as pos­si­ble to con­firm your reser­va­tion date.

How’s the tattoo session going?

After arrang­ing and con­firm­ing your design, you are going to arrive at the stu­dio at the sched­uled time. The artist will print your design, and we will try it on your skin, nor­mal­ly with var­i­ous sizes or vari­a­tions, to see how it seems. After you’ve accept­ed the posi­tion­ing and design, the artist will sten­cil it on your skin. You will get anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to ver­i­fy it in a mir­ror and dis­cuss it with the artist before they begin the tat­too­ing process. This prepa­ra­tion process usu­al­ly takes 15–30 min­utes. After the artist fin­ished the tat­too, you’ll have 15–20 min­utes (some­times up to half an hour) while they apply a spe­cif­ic after­care balm that will help in heal­ing and set­ting. The artist will then pre­pare the tat­too for pho­tograph­ing, tak­ing pic­tures of their work. After the photo/video ses­sion, the artist applies a pro­tec­tive film (com­mon­ly referred to as Sec­ond Skin) and gives you after­care instruc­tions and care prod­ucts.

What if I am afraid of needles and blood, or if I am unsure about getting a tattoo?

It’s nat­ur­al if you’re ter­ri­fied of nee­dles or have doubts about hav­ing a tat­too. Nee­dle pho­bia is fair­ly com­mon, how­ev­er the sen­sa­tion of a tat­too nee­dle dif­fers from an ordi­nary injec­tion. There is very lit­tle blood involved, so if you are ter­ri­fied of blood, this should not be your pri­ma­ry con­cern. The tat­too­ing process is meant to be as com­fort­able and relax­ing as pos­si­ble; tat­toos are often less painful than peo­ple imag­ine. It can be sen­si­tive, but it real­ly is often not painful, espe­cial­ly for tiny tat­toos that take only up to an hour to com­plete. Some cus­tomers fall asleep or unwind while lis­ten­ing to music dur­ing the ses­sion.
How­ev­er, if your fear of nee­dles is severe enough or you are still in doubt, it is bet­ter to post­pone the ses­sion. Your com­fort and peace of mind are impor­tant.

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