Feel free to reach out to me on Insta­gram or email at


Describe your tat­too idea in as much detail as pos­si­ble.

Send over any images or inspi­ra­tions you want to include. These ref­er­ences are impor­tant for design­ing your tat­too.

Also, please share a pho­to of the spot on your body where you want the tat­too.

If you’re unsure about ideas, you can check out ready-made designs and send me the link to any you like.


After brain­storm­ing, I’ll cre­ate 2–4 designs for you to choose from. We’ll dis­cuss them and approve the final design togeth­er.

This process usu­al­ly takes about one to two days before the tat­too ses­sion.

Any updates or changes can be done remote­ly. The design needs to be ful­ly approved before the ses­sion starts.


Tat­too ses­sions usu­al­ly begin at 11 AM. Based on the info you give me, I can offer sev­er­al time slots for you to pick from.

The appoint­ment will be con­firmed once a secu­ri­ty deposit is received. A deposit is required for all ses­sions.

Please avoid drink­ing alco­hol the day before your appoint­ment. Make sure you’re well-rest­ed and wear com­fort­able clothes that will make the tat­too process eas­i­er.

Health Concerns and Conditions:

If you have any health issues, aller­gies, or oth­er med­ical con­di­tions, please let me know ahead of time.

Payment and Deposits:

I typ­i­cal­ly work 5–6 hours per day. Depend­ing on the size and design of the tat­too, larg­er projects might take 1–3 ses­sions, which we’ll approve indi­vid­u­al­ly.

Pay­ments are due at the end of each ses­sion. Cur­rent­ly, I accept cash and bank trans­fers via IBAN.

A deposit is required to book your ses­sion, with a min­i­mum deposit of €100.

Please note, the deposit is non-refund­able if you can­cel or decide not to pro­ceed with the tat­too at any point.

Tattoo request

Press the button and fill up the form.
We will contact you as soon as possible

No walk-ins. Appointments ONLY.

First Name:
Last Name:
Whats App number:

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