Ink Your DREAM

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€ 300


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  • 4 months ago
    Clean bright space and an amaz­ing artist! He made book­ing super easy and gave us a beau­ti­ful mem­o­ry of Madeira to keep for­ev­er. Next time we are in Fun­chal we will def­i­nite­ly be going back to get…
  • 6 months ago
    I just got a tat­too from Gold­bek Tat­toos, and it was an awe­some expe­ri­ence. Kir­ill was super friend­ly and real­ly lis­tened to what I want­ed. He gave great advice to make my design even bet­ter and…
  • 9 months ago
    My vis­it to “Gold­bek Tat­too Artist” stu­dio turned out to be an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence! From the moment I stepped inside, I was greet­ed with a warm and wel­com­ing atmos­phere cre­at­ed by true…
  • 4 months ago
    Got this beau­ty few days ago. Kir­ill is a real pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced tat­too artist. The stu­dio is nice and neat, great atten­tion pays to the hygiene. I am real­ly pleased and plan­ning to vis­it…
  • 7 months ago
    My first tat­too expe­ri­ence at Madeira Tat­too — Gold­bek Tat­too was absolute­ly amaz­ing. From the moment I walked in, the warm and pro­fes­sion­al staff made me feel com­fort­able and at ease. The stu­dio’s…

Frequently Asked Questions:

Custom tattoos are what?

Cus­tom tat­toos are per­son­al­ly cre­at­ed designs specif­i­cal­ly for the client. Many times, these are extreme­ly inter­est­ing orig­i­nal ideas and under­tak­ings. Maybe your pre­ferred flower or per­haps a favorite area of the world, it may be your favorite char­ac­ter from a book or TV show. For every client, a per­son­al­ized tat­too is more than just a tat­too from a flash book—which tat­too artists some­times employ. Tat­toos can record real­ly sig­nif­i­cant events and be loaded with great mean­ing. Your unique­ness will be with you prac­ti­cal­ly always; a bespoke tat­too is your sig­na­ture.

How I can find an inspiration?

First of all, we always advise peo­ple to start explor­ing for ideas first of all with­in them­selves. Con­sid­er your loves, your plea­sures in life, and what dri­ves you. Your tat­too need to enhance you. If you enjoy paint­ing, research the works of superb artists, mod­ern art. These days, the Inter­net boasts sev­er­al web gal­leries. Vis­it Insta­gram and Pin­ter­est as well as Google images or dif­fer­ent pho­to stocks. Still, try to be orig­i­nal in every man­ner.

How I can start a tattoo session?

Con­tact us on Insta­gram, email or What­sApp. Send us your inspi­ra­tions and ideas. We also advise going over our Book­ing Rules. The tat­too artist will then get in touch to ask ques­tions about the specifics and present you choic­es for times and dates.

What Does a Custom tattoo Look Like?

It can be a bit tricky to under­stand at first, espe­cial­ly if you haven’t come across many oth­er tat­toos before. You can get a tat­too on your wrist, shoul­der, hip, back, or real­ly any­where you like! When you come across a tat­too that tru­ly cap­ti­vates your imag­i­na­tion, it’s often a cus­tom design that beau­ti­ful­ly show­cas­es the individual’s inner world.

How Long Does a tattoo session can Take?

Unique tat­too’s ses­sion may take from two hours to sev­er­al days to com­plete. This is quite a lengthy and impor­tant process. Our tat­too artists love to con­nect with clients, whether it’s online or in the stu­dio, to chat about design options and ideas. After that, the tat­too artist will hap­pi­ly invite you to the stu­dio for a pre­lim­i­nary rough draft and to adapt the design to fit your body per­fect­ly. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant if it’s a design for the whole arm, legs, or back. Once you’ve adjust­ed and enhanced the design to fit your body, you can come to the tat­too ses­sion in our stu­dio. The tat­too artist will share with you the esti­mat­ed time for the ses­sion, along with when the tat­too design will be com­plet­ed and approved.

How lond does a healing process last?

Every­thing is quite per­son­al. Nor­mal­ly, the heal­ing process for a tat­too takes about a month. For some clients, the jour­ney of skin restora­tion and regen­er­a­tion can be quick and easy, while for oth­ers, it may take a few months. Our tat­too artists are here to offer you rec­om­men­da­tions and tat­too care prod­ucts that will help you enjoy a com­fort­able and speedy heal­ing process for your tat­too.

Are you ready to schedule a spot?

Press the but­ton and fill up the form. I’ll con­tact you as soon as pos­si­ble

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Custom Tattoos: Your Vision, Our Expertise

At our stu­dio, cus­tom tat­toos rep­re­sent the pin­na­cle of artis­tic expres­sion.  Each design is metic­u­lous­ly craft­ed by our artist, Kir­ill Gold­bek, exclu­sive­ly for you, trans­form­ing your ideas into stun­ning, per­son­al­ized body art.

Whether you have a clear idea for your tattoo—perhaps a theme, a sig­nif­i­cant sym­bol, or a beloved character—or just a vague notion, our col­lab­o­ra­tive process ensures an indi­vid­ual and spe­cial out­come. 

If you’ve been think­ing about tat­too design, start by dis­cussing your ideas, sketch­es, or inspi­ra­tions with Kir­ill. After that, he will cre­ate a cou­ple of design sketch­es while con­sid­er­ing your per­son­al pref­er­ences and ensur­ing help­ful advice on scale and loca­tion. The ini­tial plan­ning ses­sion is essen­tial because it allows us to ful­ly under­stand your con­cept and devel­op a design that is espe­cial­ly suit­ed to your body type and aes­thet­ic.

After you approve of the design, tat­too artist Kir­ill will cre­ate a high-def­i­n­i­tion con­cept and design that you can review and mod­i­fy as nec­es­sary. This coop­er­a­tive approach ensures your com­plete sat­is­fac­tion before arrang­ing the main tat­too appoint­ment. A com­plete­ly indi­vid­u­al­ized tat­too that is as unique as you are is the out­come of our strat­e­gy, which empha­sizes per­son­al­ized atten­tion to detail.

Custom Tattoo Styles and Placement

Your cus­tom tat­toos design can be exe­cut­ed in a wide range of styles to per­fect­ly match your vision. Whether you pre­fer tiny tat­toos, fine line tat­toos, real­ism, pop art, black­work, or vibrant col­or tat­toos, our skilled artist will trans­late your ideas into a stun­ning real­i­ty.  The size and com­plex­i­ty of your cus­tom tat­too art are entire­ly flex­i­ble, lim­it­ed only by your imag­i­na­tion.

Opti­mal place­ment depends on sev­er­al fac­tors, includ­ing the size and style of your cus­tom design tat­too. For small­er tat­too design cus­tom, almost any area of the body can be con­sid­ered.  How­ev­er, for larg­er pieces (approx­i­mate­ly 10–15cm), flat­ter sur­faces such as the upper arm, shoul­der, and thigh often pro­vide the most aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing and prac­ti­cal can­vas.  Oth­er excel­lent choic­es include the back, chest, or low­er legs. Your con­sul­ta­tion will include a dis­cus­sion of place­ment options, allow­ing you to work with the artist to select the per­fect spot for your cus­tom design tat­toos.

Booking Your Custom Tattoo: A Collaborative Process

Start your cus­tom tat­too project by con­tact­ing us or com­plet­ing the online form. Our brain­storm­ing ses­sion can take place either in per­son in our tat­too stu­dio Madeira or online, allow­ing you to con­ve­nient­ly cus­tomize tat­too online before we begin the design process.

Detailed book­ing infor­ma­tion and our col­lab­o­ra­tive cus­tom tat­too design process are avail­able in our Book­ing Rules

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