BLACK: UP to 10 cm

€ 150


BLACK: UP to 15 cm

€ 200


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  • 4 months ago
    Clean bright space and an amaz­ing artist! He made book­ing super easy and gave us a beau­ti­ful mem­o­ry of Madeira to keep for­ev­er. Next time we are in Fun­chal we will def­i­nite­ly be going back to get…
  • 6 months ago
    I just got a tat­too from Gold­bek Tat­toos, and it was an awe­some expe­ri­ence. Kir­ill was super friend­ly and real­ly lis­tened to what I want­ed. He gave great advice to make my design even bet­ter and…
  • 9 months ago
    My vis­it to “Gold­bek Tat­too Artist” stu­dio turned out to be an unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence! From the moment I stepped inside, I was greet­ed with a warm and wel­com­ing atmos­phere cre­at­ed by true…
  • 4 months ago
    Got this beau­ty few days ago. Kir­ill is a real pro­fes­sion­al and expe­ri­enced tat­too artist. The stu­dio is nice and neat, great atten­tion pays to the hygiene. I am real­ly pleased and plan­ning to vis­it…
  • 7 months ago
    My first tat­too expe­ri­ence at Madeira Tat­too — Gold­bek Tat­too was absolute­ly amaz­ing. From the moment I walked in, the warm and pro­fes­sion­al staff made me feel com­fort­able and at ease. The stu­dio’s…

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Fine Line Tattoo?

A fine line tat­too uses extreme­ly thin nee­dles to cre­ate detailed, min­i­mal­ist designs with del­i­cate, soft lines and intri­cate details. This method works best for small­er, refined tat­toos.

Do Fine Line Tattoos Age Well?

Fine line tat­toos are per­ma­nent, just like any oth­er tat­too. The qual­i­ty of the ink and method, part of the body, and after­care all affect how long they last. Over time, touch-ups might be required.

Do Fine Line Tattoos Hurt Less?

Pain per­cep­tion is sub­jec­tive, depend­ing on the indi­vid­u­al’s tol­er­ance and the tat­too’s loca­tion. How­ev­er, due to the fin­er nee­dles and gen­er­al­ly a thin line tat­too, fine line tat­toos are often report­ed as less painful than larg­er, tra­di­tion­al pieces.

What is a Single Needle Tattoo?

With only one nee­dle used for the appli­ca­tion, a sin­gle nee­dle tat­too cre­ates the thinnest, most accu­rate lines pos­si­ble. One-line tat­toos, which are dis­tin­guished by their artis­tic impact and flow­ing con­tin­u­ous lines, are com­mon­ly cre­at­ed using this tech­nique.

Are you ready to schedule a spot?

Press the but­ton and fill up the form. I’ll con­tact you as soon as pos­si­ble

useful links

Fine Line Tattoos: Delicate Detail, Enduring Style

Fine line tat­toos are a kind of body art where detailed, min­i­mal­ist designs are cre­at­ed using extreme­ly fine lines. Small­er, del­i­cate designs are per­fect for fine line tat­toos since they empha­size del­i­cate lines and detailed details over broad­er lines found in tra­di­tion­al tat­toos. At our Fun­chal tat­too shop, we’ve noticed a grow­ing inter­est in these min­i­mal­ist yet eye-catch­ing designs that let you join tat­too cul­ture with­out hav­ing to com­mit to the heav­ier aes­thet­ic of old-style tat­toos.

The min­i­mal­ist style, com­bined with hyper-detail, looks mod­ern and super styl­ish. Each fine line tat­too is a care­ful­ly craft­ed work of art, dri­ven by a desire for per­son­al expres­sion.

Fine Line Tattoo Styles

Our skilled artist Kir­ill Gold­bek  mas­ters var­i­ous fine line styles, from intri­cate illus­tra­tive designs (resem­bling sketch­es or abstract expres­sion­ism) to min­i­mal­ist pieces (fea­tur­ing sim­pli­fied flo­ral, fau­nal, or astro­log­i­cal motifs). Geo­met­ric pat­terns are anoth­er pop­u­lar choice. From intri­cate man­dalas to min­i­mal­ist geo­met­ric shapes, these designs require pre­ci­sion and a steady hand. The clean lines and sharp angles cre­ate a visu­al­ly strik­ing effect.  We also excel at cre­at­ing strik­ing sin­gle-nee­dle tat­toos, using one con­tin­u­ous line for flu­id, artis­tic impact.

Popular Fine Line Tattoo Designs

At our stu­dio, we spe­cial­ize in fine line tat­toos, often incor­po­rat­ing this style into a wider range of projects. Fine line work can be beau­ti­ful­ly com­bined with oth­er tech­niques with­in a sin­gle design and can be enhanced with care­ful­ly placed col­or ele­ments. We work with you to cre­ate a unique design that per­fect­ly cap­tures your vision.  Pop­u­lar choic­es include intri­cate fine­line flower tat­toos and fine­line orna­men­tal tat­toos, show­cas­ing del­i­cate details and pre­cise linework.

Fine Line vs. Traditional Tattoos

While both fine line and tra­di­tion­al tat­toos offer design ver­sa­til­i­ty (incor­po­rat­ing black and grey or col­or ink) and can be applied to var­i­ous body areas, key dif­fer­ences exist:

Fea­tureFine Line Tat­toosTra­di­tion­al Tat­toos
Line Thick­nessExcep­tion­al­ly thinBold­er, thick­er
Nee­dles1–3 round lin­er nee­dles6–12 round lin­er nee­dles
DetailHigh­ly intri­cateCan be intri­cate, but often less so
Fad­ingMay fade more quick­lyGen­er­al­ly more durable

Although both designs are ver­sa­tile and may be put on dif­fer­ent parts of the body, fine line tat­toos tend to seem more del­i­cate and ele­gant. Both types of tat­toos need touch-ups to keep their col­or over time, even though fine­line tat­toos may fade a lit­tle more quick­ly than stan­dard tat­toos. Any tat­too’s life­time is influ­enced by the artist’s tal­ent, place­ment, and after­care.


A dis­tinc­tive com­bi­na­tion of del­i­cate detail along with mod­ern style can be found in fine line tat­toos. There are numer­ous pos­si­bil­i­ties rang­ing from min­i­mal­is­tic designs to com­plex art­work. Our skill­ful artist, Kir­ill Gold­bek, will col­lab­o­rate per­son­al­ly with you at our Fun­chal stu­dio to cre­ate an orig­i­nal work of art that tru­ly match­es what you have in mind.

Booking Your Appointment

Kir­ill works exclu­sive­ly by appoint­ment. To dis­cuss your ideas and sched­ule a con­sul­ta­tion, please book your appoint­ment online.

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