How to Prepare for the Perfect Tattoo – A Step-by-Step Guide

Before get­ting a tat­too, it’s cru­cial to take ample time for thought­ful con­sid­er­a­tion. If any doubts or con­cerns arise, grant your­self more time to decide. Refrain from allow­ing exter­nal pres­sures to influ­ence your deci­sion, and nev­er get a tat­too while under the influ­ence of alco­hol or drugs.When select­ing the place­ment of your tat­too, con­tem­plate whether you pre­fer the option to con­ceal it with cloth­ing. Also, bear in mind that weight fluc­tu­a­tions, includ­ing dur­ing preg­nan­cy, may impact the appear­ance of your tat­too. Make informed choic­es and pri­or­i­tize your per­son­al well-being through­out the process.

Grab your tat­too spot in Madeira Island

How To Prepare For Your First Tattoo Session

Embrace the calm. Allow your­self to ful­ly enjoy the tat­too­ing jour­ney, as it is an unex­pect­ed­ly delight­ful expe­ri­ence that can be enhanced by stay­ing calm and pos­i­tive.Get your beau­ty sleep! Rest­ing well before your tat­too ses­sion is cru­cial, espe­cial­ly if it’s going to be a lengthy one. With hours of needle­work ahead, com­fort won’t be your strong suit. So, make sure to catch those Z’s and pre­pare your­self for an unfor­get­table ink expe­ri­ence.Stay clear-head­ed. Get­ting intox­i­cat­ed before get­ting a tat­too is a ter­ri­ble deci­sion, and show­ing up to the tat­too par­lor drunk is an even worse one.

Get inked the right way. Before your tat­too ses­sion, it’s essen­tial to be squeaky clean. Make a splash in the show­er (duh!) and do us a sol­id by shav­ing the spe­cif­ic area where your epic tat­too will come to life.

Stay hydrat­ed and ener­gized dur­ing your tat­too ses­sion. Remem­ber to bring water to keep your­self well hydrat­ed through­out the process. Addi­tion­al­ly, pack snacks that are high in sug­ar to keep your ener­gy lev­els up. Con­sid­er options like dried fruit, nuts, choco­late bars, and sand­wich­es.

Pro­tect Your Skin: Avoid Sun­bathing Before Your Tat­too Appoint­ment. When it comes to get­ting a tat­too, tak­ing care of your skin is essen­tial. Before you head to the tat­too par­lor, be sure to steer clear of sun­bathing and tan­ning beds. Sun expo­sure and arti­fi­cial tan­ning can irri­tate your skin and make the tat­too­ing process more chal­leng­ing. This includes avoid­ing any form of hair removal, such as epi­la­tion, the day before your appoint­ment. Pri­or­i­tize the health and readi­ness of your skin for the best tat­too expe­ri­ence.

Pro­tect your style: Avoid wear­ing any­thing new. Our vibrant ink might leave a mark, so embrace fash­ion you don’t mind stain­ing. Alter­na­tive­ly, pack a fresh out­fit for a seam­less tran­si­tion.

Take care of your­self. It is obvi­ous, but if you’re not feel­ing well or you’re sick, please call and can­cel your appoint­ment.

Stay enter­tained dur­ing your tat­too ses­sion! While longer ses­sions can feel like a time com­mit­ment, you can make the most of it by bring­ing some­thing to keep you engaged. Instead of a book that might be hard to con­cen­trate on, why not cre­ate a killer playlist that will help you pow­er through the day?

Prioritize Your Safety: Our Commitment to Protection

Choos­ing the right tat­too artist is cru­cial for a safe and suc­cess­ful tat­too expe­ri­ence. Here’s what you need to ask them:
  • Who does the tat­too­ing? Opt for a rep­utable tat­too­ing stu­dio with prop­er­ly trained employ­ees.
  • Do they wear gloves? Ensure that the tat­too artist wash­es their hands and uses fresh pro­tec­tive gloves for each pro­ce­dure.
  • Are they using prop­er equip­ment? Con­firm that the tat­too artist opens sealed pack­ages for nee­dles and tubes. Make sure all ink cups, trays, and con­tain­ers are unused too.
  • Don’t com­pro­mise on safe­ty and qual­i­ty when it comes to your tat­too. Ask these ques­tions and enjoy a wor­ry-free tat­too­ing ses­sion!

The Truth About Tattoo Pain

Expe­ri­ence the Pain: Tat­toos Aren’t Pain-Free, But They’re Worth ItDis­cov­er the truth about tat­too pain — it’s not as unbear­able as you might think. Depend­ing on fac­tors like place­ment, skill lev­el, and per­son­al pain tol­er­ance, the dis­com­fort can vary.Begin your tat­too jour­ney with a small­er design in a less sen­si­tive area for a smoother expe­ri­ence. Beware of thin-skinned spots (inside arm, back of knee) and bony areas (elbow, col­lar bone, ribs) — they tend to be more painful. While online pain charts exist, the real­i­ty is that pain is sub­jec­tive, so there are no hard and fast rules.

Pre­pare for some dis­com­fort when tat­too­ing areas like the rib cage, top of the head, and ankles — espe­cial­ly if you opt for intri­cate, heav­i­ly shad­ed art­work. On the oth­er hand, areas with thick, well-padded skin like the fore­arm, calf, and shoul­ders are less painful.

To han­dle the dis­com­fort, stay calm, take slow, deep breaths, and dis­tract your mind. It’s okay to ask for a break if it becomes too much, but remem­ber, some pain is part of the process. Embrace the pain, and let your tat­too tell your unique sto­ry.

Want your tattoo to look its best?
Here’s how to care for it:

  • Keep it clean: Use plain soap and water, and be gen­tle. Pat dry, don’t rub.
  • Mois­tur­ize: Apply a mild mois­tur­iz­er mul­ti­ple times a day.
  • No sun expo­sure: Keep your tat­too out of the sun for a few weeks.
  • Say no to swim­ming: Avoid bod­ies of water while your tat­too heals.
  • Dress wise­ly: Don’t wear any­thing that could stick to your tat­too.
  • Be patient: It takes up to 2 weeks to ful­ly heal. Don’t pick at scabs!
  • Get the right prod­ucts: Your tat­too artist can rec­om­mend the best after­care prod­ucts for your skin type.

If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to us via email at or send us a direct mes­sage on Insta­gram at @goldbek_tattooartist

Picture of Kirill Goldbek

Kirill Goldbek

Tattoo Artist and Owner of Goldbek Tattoo Shop

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