Laser tattoo removal treatment. Benefits and risks.

Get rid of your unwant­ed tat­toos with laser tat­too removal! Our high­ly focused laser quick­ly and effec­tive­ly removes pesky tat­toos that you no longer want.Why do peo­ple want to remove their tat­toos? Some­times it’s because of regret or psy­cho­log­i­cal dis­tress. It can also impact employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties. But don’t wor­ry, we’re here to help you make way for new and mod­ern designs!

What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Our spe­cial­ly designed Ultra­lase Q‑Switched Nd YAG Laser tar­gets the dark­er ink in your tat­too, break­ing it down into tiny par­ti­cles that your body nat­u­ral­ly fil­ters out.At our stu­dio, we use this high-pow­ered laser to min­i­mize dam­age to the sur­round­ing skin and reduce the risk of scar­ring. The treat­ments are quick and usu­al­ly only cause min­i­mal dis­com­fort, but keep in mind that some pain may be involved. Depend­ing on the age, col­or, and intri­ca­cy of your tat­too, mul­ti­ple ses­sions may be necessary.With the Q‑Switched Nd YAG Laser, we can safe­ly and effec­tive­ly remove tat­toos with black, blue, green, and red pig­ments, whether they’re pro­fes­sion­al or ama­teur. After­care is also important.While com­plete removal isn’t guar­an­teed, sig­nif­i­cant light­en­ing or removal is pos­si­ble. Green tat­toos may be more resis­tant to removal, but we offer a remover liq­uid treat­ment to help fin­ish the process.

How many treatments are necessary?

The num­ber of treat­ments varies depend­ing on the amount and depth of ink. Gen­er­al­ly, pro­fes­sion­al tat­toos require five to ten treat­ments, with inter­vals of 6–8 weeks between ses­sions. Fad­ing can con­tin­ue for sev­er­al months after each treat­ment.

Can all types of tattoos be treated?

Almost all types of tat­toos can be treat­ed, but black, blue, and red tat­toos tend to respond the best. Some col­ors may only par­tial­ly fade. White tat­toos do not respond to laser treat­ment. Removal liq­uid treat­ment is rec­om­mend­ed for com­plete removal of all col­ors. Laser tat­too removal is more effec­tive for dark colors.The cost of treat­ment depends on the size, col­or, and time required for your tat­too. We’ll dis­cuss this dur­ing your ini­tial consultation.Allow your body to heal between treat­ments, so a min­i­mum of six weeks is rec­om­mend­ed. The removal process can start as soon as your tat­too has com­plete­ly healed, but it’s best to wait for six weeks before begin­ning. The regen­er­a­tion process is com­fort­able and does­n’t have any dis­com­fort. You’ll receive after­care advice.If you want to re-tat­too the area after removal, that’s total­ly pos­si­ble! Whether you’ve had com­plete removal, par­tial removal, or just light­en­ing, you can get a new tat­too over the treat­ed area.

Will the tattoo completely disappear?

While a 100% clear­ance is pos­si­ble, a 95% fad­ing is con­sid­ered a good result on aver­age. The suc­cess of the removal depends on the col­or, type of ink, and depth of pen­e­tra­tion. You can dis­cuss your expec­ta­tions with our ther­a­pist dur­ing your ini­tial consultation.Say good­bye to unwant­ed tat­toos and hel­lo to a fresh can­vas with laser tat­too removal at our stu­dio Gold­bek Tat­too in Madeira island! Our mas­ter has spe­cif­ic exper­tise in laser treat­ments and we exchange expe­ri­ence with mas­ters from the UK. We are able to remove tat­toos, per­ma­nent make­up, and var­i­ous forms of com­plex­i­ty.

If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to us via email at or send us a direct mes­sage on Insta­gram at @goldbek_tattooartist

Picture of Kirill Goldbek

Kirill Goldbek

Tattoo Artist and Owner of Goldbek Tattoo Shop

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