Ready for A NEW HOLE?

Our Features

  • Con­sul­ta­tion We pro­vide pierc­ing con­sul­ta­tion with every appoint­ment.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al ster­il equip­ment We use ster­ile and dis­pos­able equip­ment for pierc­ing from US, Japan, and UK
  • Pierc­ing after­care The after­care of a pierc­ing is as impor­tant as the pierc­ing itself, it will need some love and atten­tion in order to heal prop­er­ly. Our piercer will offer you per­son­alised after­care dur­ing your appoint­ment
  • Pierc­ing jew­el­ry First jew­el­ry sur­gi­cal steel is includ­ed in all types of pierc­ing. Sur­gi­cal Steel is by far the most used mate­r­i­al for Pierc­ing Jew­el­ry.

Piercing prices

  • Ear pierc­ing

    Sur­gi­cal steel jew­el­ry includes

  • Nose pierc­ing

    Sur­gi­cal steel jew­el­ry includes

  • Face pierc­ing

    Sur­gi­cal steel jew­el­ry includes

  • Lip pierc­ing

    Sur­gi­cal steel jew­el­ry includes

  • Mouth pierc­ing

    Sur­gi­cal steel jew­el­ry include

  • Micro­der­mal pierc­ing

    Sur­gi­cal steel jew­el­ry include

Body piercing near me

Body piercing

Hav­ing a body pierc­ing can tru­ly be an exhil­a­rat­ing and trans­form­ing expe­ri­ence. Whether you are look­ing to express your­self, explore a new style of fash­ion, or reap the many pur­port­ed health ben­e­fits that come with cer­tain pierc­ings, invest­ing in body art is sure to bring great self-sat­is­fac­tion. Choos­ing which type of pierc­ing you want is an impor­tant deci­sion; how­ev­er putting your trust in one of our pro­fes­sion­al body piercers makes it easy for any­one to get the per­fect look they desire!

Belly piercing

Bel­ly pierc­ing is becom­ing an increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar choice amongst both men and women alike. From bold state­ment pieces that take cen­ter stage in any out­fit to clas­sic sub­tle jew­el­ry designs, there’s a myr­i­ad of options avail­able when look­ing for the per­fect piece.

Belly piercing near me
Ear piercing near me

Ear piercing

When it comes to chang­ing your look, ear pierc­ing can be one of the quick­est and most impact­ful ways to do so. With a range of styles from sub­tle studs to dra­mat­ic hoops, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate a bold new iden­ti­ty or just add small details that spe­cialise your appear­ance.

Nose piercing and Septum

Nose pierc­ings are one of the fastest-grow­ing trends right now, and sep­tum pierc­ings have become espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar. Not only do they look great, but they’re incred­i­bly ver­sa­tile. Whether your style is bold and edgy or sub­tle and refined, there’s a pierc­ing that will fit in with your over­all aes­thet­ic.

Nose piercing and Septum
Face piercing

Face piercing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Sus­pendisse nec ris­us et metus rutrum tin­cidunt. Inte­ger con­va­l­lis imperdi­et rhon­cus. Nul­lam sit amet auc­tor neque. Pel­len­tesque accum­san lorem non urna eges­tas, nec scelerisque sapi­en mol­lis. Fusce orci ex, tem­pus quis gravi­da viver­ra.

Lip piercing

Lip pierc­ing has been gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty over the years due to its abil­i­ty to add a unique and edgy look. It can be an attrac­tive addi­tion to your fea­tures and help you express your indi­vid­ual sense of style

lip piercing near me
Mouth piercing

Mouth piercing

If you are look­ing for an excit­ing way to cus­tomize your look, mouth pierc­ings are the per­fect choice! Where­as oth­er types of body mod­i­fi­ca­tion can be more per­ma­nent and less attrac­tive with age, pierc­ings gen­er­al­ly stand the test of time and can even become more visu­al­ly appeal­ing as we grow old­er.

Microdermal piercings

Have you ever heard of a micro­der­mal pierc­ing? If not, then you’re in for a treat! Micro­der­mal pierc­ings are quick­ly becom­ing one of the most pop­u­lar forms of body mod­i­fi­ca­tion. Con­trary to their name, these pierc­ings are much less intim­i­dat­ing than tra­di­tion­al sur­face pierc­ings – no skin is actu­al­ly removed dur­ing the pro­ce­dure. Plus, they can be done almost any­where on the body with min­i­mum scar­ring or heal­ing time involved.

Microdermal piercings

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