Butterfly Black Tattoo V.2


This design is not exclu­sive and can inked sev­er­al times. Once it’s cho­sen, it’s ready for book­ing an appoint­ment. Please get in touch with us to approve free spots for your tat­too ses­sion before you make a pay­ment.

Uncer­tain about the tiny tat­toos?
On this page, kind­ly find all infor­ma­tion includ­ing costs for tiny tat­toos ➳ Tiny Tat­toos

Please contact the artist in Instagram on email info@goldbektattoo.com. Provide the link or screenshot with this design and write a description about the place that you want to tattooing.

Yes, you can ask the artist about that. Please provide full description about your ideas and inspirations.

You can read the description about this design. Some designs have only one-off deal and won't be tattooing more than one time. Otherwise in our catalog you can find non exclusive designs as well. These designs can be tattooing several times.

It's a minimal range for black tattoo up to 6 cm and it's a minimal deposit amount that is required to book your tattoo session.

Are you ready to schedule a spot?

Please fill up the form with your email address, WhatsApp number and your name. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss you future tattoo session.

Tattoo request

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We will contact you as soon as possible

No walk-ins. Appointments ONLY.

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