Considering a Tattoo in Funchal? Ask Us Anything

Common questions about tattoos in Funchal


Hey there, ink lover! Think­ing about get­ting a tat­too in the beau­ti­ful city of Fun­chal? Whether you’re dream­ing of a small, del­i­cate design or a large, bold mas­ter­piece, we’re here to bring your vision to life. From cus­tom tat­toos tai­lored to your unique style to tiny designs, we’ve got you cov­ered. Still have ques­tions about the process, pric­ing, or after­care? Don’t hes­i­tate to ask! We’re pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing stun­ning tat­toos and ensur­ing a com­fort­able, infor­ma­tive expe­ri­ence for every client. We’ve put togeth­er answers to some of the most com­mon ques­tions we get from our clients. Take a look and let us know if you have any more ques­tions.

What tattoo styles do you work with?

Our pre­ferred styles are fine-line and micro-real­ism tat­toos. Com­bined with our artists’ tech­niques and expe­ri­ence, we cre­ate amaz­ing tiny tat­toos. We tat­too both col­or and black/grey ideas.

I would like to have a small souvenir from my holidays in Madeira Island. Can I get a tiny tattoo with a stunning idea about Madeira Island?

Yes, absolute­ly. We have many drafts with Maderense and Por­tuguese ideas to help you cap­ture the moment on your skin. You can find some ideas on our web­site, and oth­ers can be viewed in our stu­dio.

How can I choose the design for my tattoo IN FUNCHAL?

You can use Google Search or any online ser­vice like Pin­ter­est to find inspi­ra­tion. Some cus­tomers send us their ideas drawn on paper. If you don’t have any inspi­ra­tion, we high­ly rec­om­mend vis­it­ing our web­site and search­ing for the Tat­too Designs page. Our artists have cre­at­ed many ideas for you. Just check them out and send us the links.

May I send you my inspirations and examples for my future tattoo?

Yes, this is a very impor­tant step before the tat­too ses­sion. To ful­ly under­stand your idea, the tat­too artist needs to know your vision and wish­es.

May I have a custom-made tattoo design?

Yes. Our tat­too artists spe­cial­ize in cus­tom, unique ideas. Unique tat­too ideas are the best way for you to stand out, and for a tat­too artist to show­case their cre­ative abil­i­ties. We often have cool col­lab­o­ra­tions.

Can you send me the finished tattoo design in advance?

Yes. Tat­too artists pre­pare sev­er­al cus­tom sketch­es for you in advance. One of these must be approved 1–2 days before the ses­sion. Before the ses­sion, in the stu­dio, the artist can make only small, quick improve­ments. For tiny tat­toos, it’s sim­pler: you can choose from already-made sketch­es in the stu­dio before the ses­sion.

How do I choose a place for a tattoo?

If you know exact­ly where you want to get a tat­too, tell the artist. If you’re still unsure, don’t wor­ry. Depend­ing on the design and size, our tat­too artists will choose the right place for you before the ses­sion.

How long does a tattoo session last?

A tat­too ses­sion can take from 1 hour to sev­er­al days, with sep­a­rate ses­sions of up to 5–6 hours per day. For exam­ple, a tat­too ses­sion for a tiny tat­too can take 1–1.5 hours. A fine-line tat­too ses­sion can be more than 2 hours. The tat­too artist will give you an approx­i­mate time­line after assess­ing your spe­cif­ic case and under­stand­ing the idea.

How much does a tattoo cost?

A tat­too can cost from a few tens of euros to sev­er­al thou­sand. It depends on the design, size, col­ors, and place­ment of your tat­too. Usu­al­ly, the tat­too artist will give you an approx­i­mate range of the cost sev­er­al days, weeks, or months before the ses­sion. The final cost will be con­firmed with you after you’ve approved the design.

What are the important things I need to know before getting tattooed?

Please avoid drink­ing alco­hol the day before your appoint­ment. Make sure you’re well-rest­ed and wear com­fort­able clothes that will make the tat­too process eas­i­er. If you have any health issues, aller­gies, or oth­er med­ical con­di­tions, please let us know ahead of time.

How can I schedule a spot for my tattoo?

It’s sim­ple! Just send a mes­sage on Insta­gram or email us at Also I’m high­ly rec­om­mend to check my Book­ing Rules

  • Describe your tat­too idea in as much details as pos­si­ble.
  • Include any images or inspi­ra­tions you’d like incor­po­rat­ed. These ref­er­ences are impor­tant for design­ing your tat­too.
  • Also, please share a pho­to of the area on your body where you want the tat­too placed.
  • Men­tion your desired time­frame for get­ting the tat­too.


May I come to the studio with my friends?

Yes, absolute­ly! We have plen­ty of space for a good time. We offer cold drinks, cof­fee, and deli­cious snacks. Our tat­too stu­dio in Fun­chal isn’t a typ­i­cal tat­too stu­dio for Madeira Island.

Do you use disposable tattoo equipment for tattooing?

Yes, all items that come into con­tact with the skin are dis­pos­able. This includes gloves, razors, tat­too machine car­tridges, nap­kins, ink cups, but­ter appli­ca­tion sticks, etc. Non-skin-con­tact­ing equip­ment is dis­in­fect­ed and wrapped in pro­tec­tive film. These hygiene prac­tices help pro­tect both clients and artists from infec­tions.

What kind of equipment do you use?

Our stu­dio uses rotary wire­less tat­too machines from the US and Ger­many. We trust sev­er­al tat­too car­tridge brands, includ­ing Cheyenne (Ger­many). Pro­cess­ing but­ters, after­care prod­ucts, and numb­ing creams are sourced from the Unit­ed King­dom and US. We strive to pro­vide the best tat­too sup­plies to offer our clients the most val­ue.

What should I know about the healing process and aftercare?

At the end of your ses­sion, the tat­too artist will pro­vide spe­cif­ic instruc­tions on heal­ing and after­care. Each case is indi­vid­ual, and the artist will explain all the steps you need to take to achieve opti­mal heal­ing. Typ­i­cal­ly, the heal­ing process takes 2 weeks to 1–2 months. Dur­ing this time, you should be very care­ful with your tat­too and fol­low all after­care rec­om­men­da­tions dili­gent­ly. The after­care steps are gen­er­al­ly sim­ple and require fol­low­ing a few basic guide­lines.
We appre­ci­ate you read­ing about our stu­dio. More inter­est­ing infor­ma­tion you can find in our Blog. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions, please vis­it our web­site and use the con­tact infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed.
Picture of Kirill Goldbek

Kirill Goldbek

Tattoo Artist and Owner of Goldbek Tattoo Shop

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