The Most Popular Tattoo Styles

When it comes to choos­ing a tat­too style, the options are seem­ing­ly end­less. How­ev­er, there are a few styles that stand out from the rest as the most pop­u­lar. Tra­di­tion­al tat­toos, char­ac­ter­ized by bold lines and bright col­ors, are a time­less favorite. Black and gray tat­toos, offer­ing a more sub­tle and real­is­tic look, have also gained pop­u­lar­i­ty in recent years. Anoth­er grow­ing trend is water­col­or tat­toos, which use vibrant, blotchy col­ors to cre­ate a painter­ly effect. No mat­ter your pref­er­ence, find­ing the per­fect tat­too style can be made eas­i­er with the help of a skilled artist. If you’re in the Madeira area, be sure to check out the local tat­too stu­dios to find the per­fect style for you.

Grab your tat­too spot in Madeira Island

Classic tattoos

Tat­toos have come a long way since their incep­tion thou­sands of years ago. What once was used to mark crim­i­nals and pris­on­ers is now a trendy way for peo­ple to express them­selves. Clas­sic tat­toos have been around for almost as long as the tat­too­ing process itself. Tat­too artists from all over the world have been revi­tal­iz­ing the clas­sic tat­too style by putting their own spin on them. This style is all about bold out­lines, sol­id col­or, and sim­plic­i­ty. In this blog post, we’ll be explor­ing the resur­gence of clas­sic tat­toos and why they’re still high­ly favored by many tat­too enthu­si­asts.

New school tattoo

Tat­too­ing has come a long way from its tra­di­tion­al roots and has evolved into a world-renowned art form. Today, the new school tat­too is tak­ing inspi­ra­tion to the next lev­el, by blend­ing dif­fer­ent styles and influ­ences to cre­ate some­thing tru­ly unique. If you’re a tat­too artist look­ing to evolve your craft, then the new school style is def­i­nite­ly worth exploring.The new school of tat­too is an excit­ing and dynam­ic style that con­tin­ues to push the bound­aries of what’s pos­si­ble in tat­too­ing. By blend­ing dif­fer­ent styles and influ­ences, new school artists are able to cre­ate tru­ly unique designs that are both eye-catch­ing and mem­o­rable. Whether you’re a sea­soned tat­too artist or just start­ing out, explor­ing the new school style is a great way to evolve your craft and take your inspi­ra­tion to the next lev­el. So why not give it a try and see where it takes you?

Japanese tattoo

Ori­gins of Japan­ese Tat­too Style — The prac­tice of tat­too­ing, known as irezu­mi in Japan, dates back to the Jomon peri­od, over ten thou­sand years ago, when the Ainu peo­ple inked their faces, arms, and mouths as a sign of respect for their gods. How­ev­er, it was dur­ing the Edo peri­od (1603–1868) that tat­toos became pop­u­lar among the com­mon­ers, and the art form evolved into a sophis­ti­cat­ed tra­di­tion of full-body tat­toos, known as hori­mono. The tat­toos were often asso­ci­at­ed with the yakuza, Japan’s noto­ri­ous crim­i­nal gangs, and were used as a sym­bol of loy­al­ty, strength, and broth­er­hood. How­ev­er, the prac­tice was even­tu­al­ly banned in 1872 due to its asso­ci­a­tion with crime and anti-social behavior.Japanese tat­too style is a reflec­tion of the rich cul­tur­al his­to­ry of Japan, blend­ing intri­cate designs and mean­ing­ful motifs to cre­ate a time­less expres­sion of art and iden­ti­ty. Whether you are drawn to the ele­gance of tra­di­tion­al tebori or the bold­ness of mod­ern neo-tra­di­tion­al styles, there is a Japan­ese tat­too artist out there who can bring your vision to life.

Black and grey tattoo

Tat­toos have been a part of human cul­ture for cen­turies, and today tat­too art has become high­ly pop­u­lar in the main­stream. Tat­toos are a form of self-expres­sion and can be a great way to show­case your per­son­al­i­ty, beliefs, and pas­sions. One of the pop­u­lar styles in tat­too art is the black and grey tat­toos. Black and grey tat­toos have a unique charm that sets them apart from oth­er styles. In this blog post, we will talk about every­thing you need to know about black and grey tattoos.Black and grey tat­toos use a tech­nique called shad­ing, which is gen­er­al­ly achieved by dilut­ing black ink with water before ink­ing. This tech­nique cre­ates vary­ing shades of grey that range from light to dark. For a black and grey tat­too, the artist needs to have a good under­stand­ing of light and shadow.Black and grey tat­toos are a unique form of self-expres­sion that have a time­less appeal. They are a great way to show­case your per­son­al­i­ty, beliefs, and pas­sions. If you are con­sid­er­ing get­ting a black and grey tat­too, ensure that you do your research and choose a rep­utable tat­too artist.

Portrait tattoo

Por­trai­ture tat­too is a genre of tat­too­ing where a por­trait of a per­son, ani­mal, or object is inked onto a per­son­’s skin. It is more detailed and real­is­tic than oth­er styles of tat­too­ing, but the end result is mem­o­rable and stunning.Portraiture tat­toos are pow­er­ful and mean­ing­ful ways to hon­or a per­son, pet, or place. Many peo­ple choose to have por­traits of their chil­dren, par­ents, grand­par­ents, men­tors, or celebri­ties who have inspired them. Pets are also pop­u­lar sub­jects for por­trai­ture tat­toos. These tat­toos can serve as a per­ma­nent reminder of the love that a per­son had for their pets, even after they’re gone.

Mini tattoos or Small tattoos

Tat­toos have become a main­stream trend that peo­ple of all ages embrace for dif­fer­ent rea­sons. They can be empow­er­ing, nos­tal­gic, or aes­thet­i­cal­ly pleas­ing. Some use it as an expres­sion of who they are or the things they love. Get­ting inked is an adven­ture that can change your life. But what if you’re not ready to com­mit to a full sleeve or a large back piece? Mini tat­toos can be an excel­lent alter­na­tive for those who want some­thing small and sub­tle. In this blog post, we’ll explore why less is more when it comes to min­i­mal­ly sized tattoos.Small tat­toos cost less than larg­er ones, main­ly because they require less ink and time to cre­ate. The small­er the tat­too, the eas­i­er it is to hide or cov­er up, which is per­fect for peo­ple who work in tra­di­tion­al offices or con­ser­v­a­tive envi­ron­ments. Mini tat­toos also require min­i­mal after­care and can heal faster than larg­er designs. More­over, they let you exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent styles, col­ors, and place­ment options with­out com­mit­ting to a mas­sive tat­too that you may regret later.In con­clu­sion, mini tat­toos are not a com­pro­mise but a choice. They offer a unique per­spec­tive on tat­too cul­ture, one that empha­sizes sub­tle­ty, cre­ativ­i­ty, and inti­ma­cy. Mini tat­toos can be the per­fect way to dip your toe in the vast ocean of tat­toos while keep­ing your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and per­son­al­i­ty. Whether you’re get­ting your first tat­too or your tenth, mini tat­toos can be a fan­tas­tic addi­tion to your col­lec­tion.

Realism tattoo

Real­ism tat­too is a vibrant art form that aims to cre­ate a life­like rep­re­sen­ta­tion of a per­son, ani­mal, or object on the skin. Good real­ism tat­toos require sig­nif­i­cant skill and tal­ent since it requires pro­duc­ing a pho­to­re­al­is­tic image on an ever-chang­ing can­vas. When you com­bine that with the nuances of tat­too­ing, it becomes even more impres­sive. Real­ism tat­too artists draw from var­i­ous tech­niques to cre­ate stun­ning works of art, includ­ing grayscale shad­ing, vibrant col­or com­bi­na­tions, and impec­ca­ble line work.One of the main things that sets real­ism tat­too apart from oth­er styles is its abil­i­ty to cap­ture the essence of a per­son or object. It can accu­rate­ly cap­ture and repli­cate every detail, from the soft shad­ows in a por­trait to the petals of a flower. Real­ism tat­toos also have more sig­nif­i­cant mean­ings, as it can be a way of com­mem­o­rat­ing a beloved pet, a mem­o­ry, a fam­i­ly mem­ber, or a sig­nif­i­cant life event.Another great fea­ture of real­ism tat­toos is its ver­sa­til­i­ty. It can look stun­ning on any part of the body, from a full sleeve to a small wrist piece, a por­trait on the back to a rose on the thigh – the sky’s the lim­it. This style is time­less and can be tai­lored to suit any pref­er­ences or tastes, mak­ing it a great option for any­one look­ing for a unique tat­too.

Real­ism tat­toos may be a lit­tle more intri­cate to exe­cute, but they are worth it. Not only will you have a stun­ning piece of art­work on your skin, but real­ism tat­toos are also some of the most long-last­ing tat­toos out there – espe­cial­ly when paired with reg­u­lar main­te­nance. As long as they are rea­son­ably tak­en care of, they can last a life­time with­out los­ing any of their vibran­cy or beau­ty.

Real­ism tat­toos are undoubt­ed­ly a work of art that com­bines impec­ca­ble skills, aes­thet­ics, and mean­ings. Its abil­i­ty to cre­ate stun­ning, real­is­tic, and incred­i­ble designs is unmatched in the tat­too indus­try. With its ver­sa­til­i­ty, cus­tomiza­tion, and atten­tion to detail, real­ism tat­toos make for a mean­ing­ful and beau­ti­ful piece of art that you will cher­ish for years to come. The next time you’re think­ing about get­ting a tat­too, con­sid­er a beau­ti­ful real­ism tat­too.

Blackwork tattoo style

Black­work tat­too style is a bold, severe, and dense tat­too form fea­tur­ing black ink. It is made entire­ly of dark, tex­tured pat­terns, and looks much like the reverse of a hen­na tat­too. In con­trast to tra­di­tion­al tat­toos, where lines, shad­ing, and col­ors are used to cre­ate a work of art, black­work is all about bold lines and dark ink.The use of black ink in tat­too­ing, espe­cial­ly in Asian tat­toos, is not new. How­ev­er, in recent times, black­work tat­too art has become increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar among tat­too enthu­si­asts who appre­ci­ate the dense, bold, and abstract char­ac­ter­is­tics of the style. Some pop­u­lar designs include geo­met­ric pat­terns, sacred geom­e­try, intri­cate man­dalas, and trib­al designs.Blackwork tat­too style is an excel­lent­ly intri­cate tat­too form, which has become increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar among tat­too enthu­si­asts. It is glam­orous, dar­ing, and dis­plays a unique sense of sophis­ti­ca­tion. The beau­ty of black­work tat­toos lies in their bold, abstract, and strik­ing art form. It requires an expe­ri­enced tat­too artist’s tech­ni­cal exper­tise to achieve the intri­cate designs.

Biomechanical tattoo

Bio­me­chan­i­cal tat­toos com­bine the flesh and machine aes­thet­ics to cre­ate sophis­ti­cat­ed and visu­al­ly stun­ning imagery. The bio­me­chan­i­cal design is root­ed in the sci-fi genre and fea­tures ele­ments such as machines, robot­ics, and 3D illu­sions. These tat­toos are not only cool, but they also reflect the pow­er and strength of machin­ery, mak­ing them a pop­u­lar choice among peo­ple who work in the man­u­fac­tur­ing or auto­mo­tive indus­try. This type of tat­too requires expe­ri­ence and skill to cre­ate an authen­tic 3D effect that blends machin­ery with human flesh.The bio­me­chan­i­cal tat­too process can be time-con­sum­ing and painful since it requires sev­er­al intri­cate designs to emu­late a real­is­tic mechan­i­cal appear­ance. It would help if you made sure your tat­too artist is expe­ri­enced in this style to guar­an­tee the best results. Also, deter­mine the size and loca­tion of the tat­too before choos­ing the design, because some designs might not fit well on cer­tain areas of the body. Last­ly, have a clear pic­ture of what you want the tat­too to rep­re­sent and the lev­el of cre­ativ­i­ty involved.A bio­me­chan­i­cal tat­too requires a high­ly skilled artist who under­stands the mechan­ics of this style. These tat­toos sym­bol­ize strength, dom­i­nance, and an intri­cate mix­ture of flesh and equip­ment. To get the best bio­me­chan­i­cal tat­too, ensure the artist is skilled in this style and has high-qual­i­ty equip­ment.

Geometric tattoo

Geo­met­ric tat­toos are com­posed of shapes, lines, and pat­terns that come togeth­er to cre­ate an intri­cate design. The shapes used in geo­met­ric designs can be any­thing from tri­an­gles and cir­cles to squares and hexa­gons. The design can also include sym­met­ri­cal or asym­met­ri­cal pat­terns. For exam­ple, a pop­u­lar aes­thet­ic for geo­met­ric tat­toos is a man­dala, which fea­tures intri­cate pat­terns with­in a cir­cu­lar shape. Some designs also incor­po­rate neg­a­tive space, allow­ing the skin to show through to cre­ate a con­trast effect.One of the great things about geo­met­ric tat­toos is that they can be placed almost any­where on the body. Some pop­u­lar areas include the fore­arm, back, chest, and thigh. These areas allow for larg­er designs that can incor­po­rate more intri­cate pat­terns. For those who pre­fer a min­i­mal­is­tic design, small­er geo­met­ric tat­toos can be placed on the wrist, ankle, or behind the ear. Place­ment of the tat­too can also impact the over­all aes­thet­ic of the design. For exam­ple, a tri­an­gle tat­too on the chest can cre­ate a pow­er­ful, bold state­ment, while the same design on the wrist can cre­ate a sub­tle, del­i­cate look.

Surrealism tattoo

First­ly, let’s dis­cuss the con­cept of sur­re­al­ism. Orig­i­nat­ing in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, sur­re­al­ism is an art move­ment that empha­sizes the sub­con­scious mind and dreams. It uses uncon­ven­tion­al tech­niques to cre­ate strange and mys­te­ri­ous imagery, often with ele­ments that con­tra­dict each oth­er. Sur­re­al­ism tat­toos take inspi­ra­tion from this style and incor­po­rate it into a per­ma­nent work of art on your body.One of the strik­ing fea­tures of sur­re­al­ism tat­toos is the use of imagery that seems to be from a dif­fer­ent world. It can range from sur­re­al land­scapes and imag­i­nary crea­tures to abstract human forms and dis­tort­ed objects. Anoth­er aspect that makes sur­re­al­ism tat­toos unique is the use of col­ors. Sur­re­al­ist tat­toos often use bright and bold col­ors to enhance the dreamy qual­i­ty of the imagery. This also means that a sur­re­al­ism tat­too can be a great show­case of a tat­too artist’s skill in col­or composition.Another fas­ci­nat­ing aspect of sur­re­al­ism tat­toos is the deep sym­bol­ism each design car­ries. For exam­ple, a sur­re­al­is­tic tree with roots that extend into the sky can sig­ni­fy the con­nec­tion between the phys­i­cal world and a high­er pow­er. Sim­i­lar­ly, a sur­re­al­is­tic dream catch­er can sym­bol­ize the pow­er of dreams in our lives. Every sur­re­al­ism tat­too design has its own mes­sage and mean­ing, mak­ing it a very per­son­al and inti­mate expe­ri­ence for the wear­er.

Apart from being visu­al­ly stun­ning and sym­bol­ic, sur­re­al­ism tat­toos are also a great way to show off your per­son­al­i­ty. Since sur­re­al­ism tat­toos are not very com­mon, hav­ing one can make you stand out from the crowd and show that you have a unique sense of style. More­over, sur­re­al­ism tat­toos can be a way of express­ing your deep­est fears and desires, mak­ing it a tru­ly per­son­al and pow­er­ful state­ment.

Celtic tattoo

Celtic Knots

Celtic Knots are one of the most pop­u­lar motifs found in Celtic tat­toos. These designs are a beau­ti­ful way to rep­re­sent the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of life, empha­siz­ing the cycli­cal nature of the uni­verse. These knots have no begin­ning or end, sym­bol­iz­ing that every­thing is con­nect­ed and every­thing is for­ev­er. The Celtic Knot can be used alone or com­bined with oth­er sym­bols to add mean­ing and depth to a tat­too design.


The Claddagh is a tra­di­tion­al Irish sym­bol that has been used for over 300 years to rep­re­sent love, loy­al­ty, and friend­ship. The Claddagh con­sists of two hands hold­ing a heart, with a crown on top. The hands rep­re­sent friend­ship, the heart rep­re­sents love, and the crown rep­re­sents loy­al­ty. When giv­en as a gift or worn as jew­el­ry, the direc­tion of the Claddagh can com­mu­ni­cate the wear­er’s rela­tion­ship sta­tus with its three posi­tions: point­ing out­ward for sin­gle, point­ing inward for tak­en, and point­ing toward the heart for engaged.

Celtic Animals

Celtic mythol­o­gy often fea­tures ani­mals, which sym­bol­ize dif­fer­ent aspects of life. The Celtic boar, for exam­ple, rep­re­sents brav­ery and strength, where­as the stag rep­re­sents grace and wis­dom. Oth­er pop­u­lar ani­mals used in Celtic tat­toos include the horse, the raven, and the wolf, each with their own unique mean­ings. Celtic ani­mal tat­toos are a great way to rep­re­sent the qual­i­ties you most admire.

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a sym­bol that has been used in many cul­tures through­out his­to­ry, includ­ing the Celts. It’s a way to rep­re­sent the con­nec­tion between heav­en and earth, ground­ing and sta­bi­liz­ing ener­gy. The Tree of Life fea­tures a trunk, roots, and branch­es that spread in all direc­tions, mak­ing it a fit­ting sym­bol for growth and progress. Many vari­a­tions include the branch­es inter­twined with a Celtic knot or weav­ing. This sym­bol is often incor­po­rat­ed into tat­toos as a trib­ute to per­son­al growth or to pay homage to the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of all things.


Woad is a plant that was used in ancient Celtic times to cre­ate a blue dye for their cloth­ing. It was also used as body paint for war rit­u­als and was a sym­bol of strength and courage. Woad tat­toos are a unique way of incor­po­rat­ing tra­di­tion­al col­ors into your tat­too design, and its inclu­sion can make your tat­too more mean­ing­ful and pow­er­ful.

Celtic tat­toos are a beau­ti­ful and mean­ing­ful way to rep­re­sent your ances­try or to con­nect to the ancient tra­di­tions and val­ues of the Celts. With its rich his­to­ry and diverse sym­bol­ism, Celtic art­work can add per­son­al sig­nif­i­cance and spir­i­tu­al strength to your tat­too. Whether you choose a sim­ple knot or a com­plex design incor­po­rat­ing mul­ti­ple ele­ments, a Celtic tat­too is an inspired choice that tells a sto­ry that is unique­ly your own.

Flash Tattoo

Are you look­ing to make a state­ment with­out the com­mit­ment of a long-term tat­too? Flash tat­toos are the per­fect way to do just that! Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from clas­sic art and designs, flash tat­toos give you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy unique body art for an extend­ed peri­od of time. Whether it’s some­thing small and sub­tle, like ros­es or stars, or some­thing abstract and edgy like a geo­met­ric pat­tern – there’s lit­er­al­ly no lim­it to what you can get. Not only will your design look great right away; it’ll con­tin­ue to be beau­ti­ful over time. Plus they’re stun­ning­ly afford­able too – so don’t miss out on this amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty! Read on for my break­down of all things relat­ed to flash tat­toos – and why they’re such a pop­u­lar choice amongst ink lovers today.If you’re look­ing for high-qual­i­ty and impres­sive tat­toos, you must have heard of flash tat­toos and flash books. Flash tat­toos are pre-designed tat­toos that tat­too artists often show­case on their web­sites or in their shops. On the oth­er hand, flash books are col­lec­tions of those designs. These types of tat­too art have gained immense pop­u­lar­i­ty in recent times because they cater to the needs of both tat­too artists and clients. In this blog post, we’ll dis­cuss the pop­u­lar­i­ty and ver­sa­til­i­ty of flash tat­toos and flash books.
Pre-made designs for quick­er and more acces­si­ble ses­sions – Flash tat­toos are pre-designed and ready for tat­too artists to use. These tat­toos may come in var­i­ous designs, such as flow­ers, ani­mals, hearts, or abstract motifs. Instead of cre­at­ing a unique design from scratch, tat­too artists can just choose a flash tat­too design and get right to work. Con­se­quent­ly, this low­ers the time and cost for both the artists and clients.
Ver­sa­til­i­ty in style and cre­ativ­i­ty — Flash tat­toos aren’t lim­it­ed to one par­tic­u­lar style, such as tra­di­tion­al or neo-tra­di­tion­al. Artists can cre­ate and exper­i­ment with var­i­ous types of styles with flash tat­toos. Hence, clients may have more options when it comes to plan­ning the style of their tat­toos.
Easy cus­tomiza­tion — Even though flash tat­toos come pre-designed, tat­too artists may add some per­son­al touch­es or mod­i­fi­ca­tions to them. They may adjust the place­ment, size, or col­or of the designs and turn them into unique pieces of art. This way, clients can still get their desired tat­too while hav­ing some degree of cus­tomiza­tion.
Afford­able and high qual­i­ty — Not only are flash tat­toos quick­er to make, but they are also cheap­er com­pared to cus­tom designs. This makes them an afford­able option, espe­cial­ly for those who are on a bud­get. Despite being afford­able, flash tat­toos remain high-qual­i­ty art pieces. They con­tain intri­cate lines, details, and vibrant col­ors.
A dif­fer­ent take on the tra­di­tion­al tat­too expe­ri­ence — Flash tat­toos bring some­thing fresh and dif­fer­ent to the tat­too indus­try. With pre-designed art pieces, clients may opt-out of the exten­sive plan­ning process of get­ting a cus­tom design. On the oth­er hand, tat­too artists can show­case their skills in tat­too­ing mul­ti­ple designs, rather than just cre­at­ing one cus­tom piece.

Flash tat­toos and flash books offer numer­ous advan­tages, such as con­ve­nience, afford­abil­i­ty, ver­sa­til­i­ty, and unique take on the tra­di­tion­al tat­too expe­ri­ence. These pre-designed tat­toos cater to the needs of tat­too artists and clients alike, mak­ing the tat­too­ing process quick­er, eas­i­er, and more acces­si­ble for every­one. Give flash tat­toos a try and see how these pre-designed art pieces can make your tat­too expe­ri­ence both relaxed and enjoy­able.

If you have any ques­tions, please don’t hes­i­tate to reach out to us via email at or send us a direct mes­sage on Insta­gram at @goldbek_tattooartist

Picture of Kirill Goldbek

Kirill Goldbek

Tattoo Artist and Owner of Goldbek Tattoo Shop

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